
Homestuck Vocab 101: ACT I

Deviation Actions

EmeraldEyes14's avatar

Literature Text

*Words unique to Homestuck are bolded

Sylladex: is the inventory system in Homestuck. It is a combination of the words syllabus (a brief outline) and index (a list used as a reference).
Captchalogue Deck: Where normal items are stored, but cannot be too big. From the words captcha (code used to determine user is not a program) and catalogue (a complete list).
Artifact: usually, an object made by a human being from the past. Here it just means any item.
frivolity: not serious; carefree
japery: acting like a buffoon
vernacular: specific form of language used by a group of people
copasetic: in order; satisfactory
stack: like a stack of blocks, for the stack modus you can only remove the top item
Data structure: the particular way of storing and organizing info in a computer
Fetch Modus: the way that items are stored in the Sylladex. Comprised of the words fetch (to get) and Modus (as in mode). So: the mode or method of getting items.
conjunction: the act of joining
genteel: polite; refined
Sburb: a video game in the Homestuck universe, around which it revolves
beta: the version of the game that contains all the features of the finished version, but may contain some glitches
Pesterchum: a chat program used by John and his friends, as well as the trolls
gnostic: of mystical knowledge
ecto-: prefix that means outside; here it is likely referring to ectoplasm (as in ghosts)
palsy: paralysis
rancorous: showing deep resentment
red arm-swingy-dealy: in case you were wondering, this is called a flag.
monopolize: to take exclusive control of
titular: having a title without the usual duties, functions, or responsibilities
perpetuity: something lasting forever or indefinitely
daunting: appearing difficult
logjam: blockage; a situation that seems irresolvable
allocate: distribute for a particular purpose (here they mean- put in/on)
Strife Deck: the deck containing a character's weapon. From words strife (conflict) and deck.
Kind Abstratus: the kind (type) of weapon used.
Beagle Pus: a disguise with a funny nose and glases
Harlequin: a traditional pantomime (aka, mime) usually dressed in a mask and a diamond patterned costume
brazen: bold and without shame
conniving: to scheme or plot
domestic: relating to the home
arrant: complete; utter
asbestos: a heat-resistant fabric
trope: metaphor
periodical: a magazine or newspaper published regularly
intrepid: fearless
"nicked the mahogany": scratched the surface; literally: cut the mahogany (a kind of wood)
"japing chests": a chest of jokes, likely where one stores pranks
"incisive ogle": clear sight
"wriggling regency": literally: wiggling ruler-ness. or you could just say coolness
phyla (plural of phylum): category of classification for living things, between class and kingdom
"land sakes alive" for goodness sakes
"cooking with petrol": burning hot (since petrol is a kind of gasoline)
exhibit: display or example
artifice: clever device used for trickery
exploit: a bold feat
pappy: father
rod and reel: fishing pole
"writhing rascals": he means the fake bugs mentioned earlier
"wreck of Hesperus": it refers to a poem and can mean a untidy appearance. So, he suggest frightening a woman so badly she looks like a total wreck afterwards
"find ways": come up with jobs for one to do
"by gum": by golly
"you'll fix her wagon": you'll show her
tawny: of orange-brown color. here he probably means tan
gent: short for gentleman
lackadaisical: lacking enthusiasm (surprisingly, this is a real word)
lean: his self, or his leaning self
sarsaparilla: a sweet drink made with a certain kind of plant (aka Rootbeer)
"sarsaparilla font": there is actually a font with this name, you can look it up.
I am guessing this means the man is interrupting you while you enjoy your rootbeer
listless: lacking energy
octoroon: one-eight black
"find the spring in his step": to make him happy (probably by playing a joke on him)
portly: heavy or fat
strapping: big and strong
roughneck: a rough person
refrain: a repeated line in a song
"peanut gallery": the top row in a theatre with cheaper seats, or a group of people who criticize
"grazing the hollow of a cut reed": when you blow over a hollow reed, it makes a sound, like blowing over the lid of a bottle
desolation: a state of complete emptiness
"sleight of hand": trick
repertoire: the list of pieces (in this case jokes)  that one can perform
engender: cause
mirth: amusement
"coarse scheme": rough or harsh, devious plan
dispersing: heading in different directions, disappearing
"pebble of inquiry": attempt to understand the mystery. So, he is saying that when one tries to understand what the feeling of lack is the question fades away, the way a pebble thrown in water sends ripples that destroy the reflected image
gander: a look
ruse: deception
confection: a dish made with sweet ingredients
strife: a conflict. Battle in Homestuck
aggreive: to afflict pain or sorrow. Attack in Homestuck
abjure: to strongly deny
Coddlebrand: DAD offers cake aggressively. from coddle (treat protectively) and brand (mark)
Dotesmite: special effect that can occur when Coddlebrand is used. From dote (express fondness) and smite (strike or defeat)
abscond: to leave quickly and secretly
Beagle Aegis: a special ability of the beagle pus disguise that increases comedic effect
gambit: a strategy that seeks an advantage but involves risk
accede: agree to a demand
yield: to give in
placating: making less angry; to sooth
integrated: combined together to make a whole
juncture: a point where things join
lament: expression of grief; to mourn
extracted: removed or taken out
charisma: charming; inspiring admiration
latent: existing, but still hidden
idle: not doing anything
gaunt: thin and unwell looking
Typheus: web browser that John uses; also a character… later
indisputably: unquestionably; obviously true
meta: something that references itself in itself (The Midnight Crew, and MS Paint Adventure, is being referenced in Homestuck, an MS Paint Adventure.)
Skaianet: the company that created Sburb. Likely references Skynet from the Terminator, as well as the Skaia world you will hear of later
client: a person using the services of a professional company or person. In Homestuck, the character whose house is being interacted with in Sburb
tome: a heavy book
ornery: bad-tempered
queue: a line awaiting their turn. When you go through the line, you reach the front. So, a queue fetch modus lets you access item at the bottom.
FIFO: first in first out (the first person in the line gets done first)
FILO: first in last out (the first/bottom block in a tower has to be removed last)
protagonist: the leading character
"tattered exterior surrounding a heart of gold": looks tough but is sweet on the inside
host user: the one who can interact with the client's house through their computer in Sburb
Homeric: in the style of Homer, who wrote epic poems (epic here means long) in Ancient Greece especially the stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey
ensconced: settled or established
server: the game Sburb comes with two discs. The server allows one to become the host user

There are many interesting words as Sburb loads, most of which are nonsense:
Transforming Soffits, Reorganizing Keys, Formalizing Immersion Joints, Justifying Kick Extractors, Advising Aggregates, Managing Elbows, Recasting Connectors, Achieving Aluminum Trowels, Officiating Disks, Exhibiting Absolute Spigots, Progressing Coil Hydrants, Jerry-building Reflectors, Informing Casters, Inventing Rubber Hoists, Performing Wrenches,  Judging Chalk Adapters, Upgrading Ignition Paths, Regrowing Flashing, Recommending Ratchets, Approving Barriers, Sweeping Impact Fillers, Sewing Mirrors, Detailing Collectors, Enforcing Measures, Distributing Systems, Presenting Plugs, Interwinding Registers, Piloting Ash Diffusers, Gathering Cranks, Supplying Eave Pockets, Undertaking Scroll Stops, Accelerating Straps, Designing Fittings, Protecting Diamond Boilers, Logging Downspouts, Correlating Shingles, Uniting Mallets, Qualifying Electrostatic Lifts, Sharing Clamps, Obtaining Circular Fluids, Ranking Foundation Gauges, Sensing Miter Brackets, Originating Space Networks, Translating Drills, REGULATING Guards, Selecting Gable Padding, Utilizing Pellet Dowels, Reconciling Artifacts, Altering Pulleys, Shedding Space Filters, Determining Vents, Representing Mortar, Remaking Flash Rakers, Supporting Funnels, Typecasting Rotary Chocks, Expressing Junctures, Resetting Auxiliary Vises, Professing Strip Treads, Inlaying Matter Trowels, Questioning Drivers, Forming Edge Fittings, Sketching Blanks, Overshooting Spark Breakers, Rewriting Controls, Playing Tunnels, Inventorying Buttons, Enduring Joist Handles, Effecting Ratchet Bibbs, Unwinding Couplings, Forsaking Vapor Conduits, Defining Sockets, Calculating Heaters, Raising Grids, Administering Tiles, Measuring Resources, Installing Ignition Remotes, Extracting Corners, Manufacturing Ventilators, Delegating Consoles, Treating Mounting Stones, Enacting Jig Deflectors, Intensifying Alleys, Improvising Cargo, Pinpointing Bobs, Prescribing Arc Masonry, Structuring Metal Chucks, Symbolizing LATHES, Activating Plumb Kits, Adapting Coatings, Fixing Channels, Expediting Cordage, Planning Compressors, Enlisting Hangers, Restructuring Keyhole Augers, Shearing Ridge Hardware, Collecting Reciprocating Bolts, Maintaining Corrugated Dimmers, Whetting Hole collars, Conducting Mandrels, Comparing Assets, Compiling Sealants, Completing Paths, Composing Equivocation Wheels, Computing Dampers, Conceiving Electrostatic Treatment, Ordering Cotter Grates, Organizing Ties, Orienting LADDERS, Exceeding Materials, Targeting Thermocouples, Demonstrating Emery Stock, Expanding Latch Bases, Training Wardrob, Adhesives, Overcoming Fasteners, Streamlining Storm Anchors, Navigating Springs, Perfecting Turnbuckles, Verifying Gate Pegs, Arbitrating Arithmetic Lifts, Negotiating Outlets, Normalizing Strips, Building Surface Foggers, Checking Key Torches, Knitting Grinders, Mowing Planers, Offsetting Stencils, Acquiring Bulbs, Adopting Rivets, Observing Avenues, Ascertaining Coaxial Grommets, Slinging Wing Winches, Instituting Circuit Generators, Instructing Wicks, Integrating Pry Shutters, Interpreting Immersion Lumber, Clarifying Coils, Classifying Wood Bits, Closing Cogs, Cataloging Matter Strips, Charting Holders, Conceptualizing Push TERMINALS, Stimulating Supports, Overthrowing Shaft Spacers, Quick-freezing Connectors, Unbinding Ground Hooks, Analyzing Eyes, Anticipating Gateways, Controlling Proposition Rollers, Converting Power Angles, Coordinating Staples, Correcting Benders, Counseling Joist Gaskets, Recording Gutter Pipes, Recruiting Drains, Rehabilitating Rafter Tubes, Reinforcing Washers, Reporting Guard Valves, Naming Freize Sprues, Nominating Rings, Noting Straps, Doubling Nailers, Drafting Circuit Hoses, Dramatizing Flanges, Splitting Framing Compounds, Refitting Stems, Interweaving Patch Unions, Sorting Slot Threads, Securing Mode Cutters, Diverting Catharsis Plates, Procuring Load Thresholds, Transferring Syllogism Twine, Directing Switch Nuts, Referring Time Spools, Diagnosing Knobs, Discovering Lock, Dispensing Hinges, Displaying Hasps, Resending Arc Binders, Retreading Grooves, Retrofitting Aesthetics Portals, Seeking Stocks, Shrinking Wormholes, Assembling Blocks, Assessing Divets, Attaining Lug Boxes, Auditing Nescience Passages, Conserving Strikes, Constructing Braces, Contracting Saw Catches, Serving Instantiation Irons, Recognizing Fluxes, Consolidating Fuse Calipers, Mapping Shims, Reviewing Chop Groovers, Scheduling Lag Drives, Simplifying Hoists, Engineering Levels, Enhancing Tack Hollows, Establishing Finishing Blocks, Estimating Adhesives, Evaluating Mortar, Examining Auto Turnbuckles, Processing Foggers, Servicing Avenues, Transcribing Existence Rivets, Revisin, Consoles, Separating Absolute Stencils, Budgeting Sheet Grommets, Preparing Kits, Realigning Cartesian Mandrels, Painting Fasteners, Filing Grout Hangers, Finalizing Atma Augers, Formulating Couplings, Identifying Sillcocks, Imagining Materials, Inducing Shutters, Influencing Wheels, Licensing Chocks, Lifting Extrinsic Mallets , Overdrawing Ratchets, Overlaying Ventilators, Overriding Cardinal Soffits, Specifying Element Aggregates, Systemizing Divets, Shaping Pockets, Publicizing Aether Remotes, Governing Archetype Dimmers, Monitoring Assets, Launching Manifestation Systems

Revise room: the host user can change the room of the client
Phernalia Registry: menu of items that can be used in Sburb. From paraphernalia (various items) and registry (an official list)
Totem Lathe: can carve totems. From totem (object believed to be of spiritual importance) and lathe (a machine for shaping various materials)
Build Grist: points in Sburb that are needed to build things. Grist is grain grounded for flour
incur: cause to happen to oneself
Cruxtruder: device that produces cruxite, releases the Kernelsprite, and revels a countdown. Possibly from crux (decisive point) and suffix -truder (someone who pushes or shoves). However, these words seem only loosely (if at all) related to this device. Perhaps it relates to the fact that it ejects both the cruxite and the Kernelsprite, both of which are important.
Alchemiter: can create a variety of items using totems. From Alchemy (ancient chemistry focused on the magical transformation of items)
facilitate: make an action easier
forthright: direct and honest
judicious: showing good judgment
appraisal: estimate value of
laundered: washed and ironed
sterile: free from germs; here it means plain, basic, or not interesting
federal: relating to the national government
derision: ridicule or mockery
"road to hoe": difficult task. Though actually the correct expression is "row to hoe" as in a row in the garden or on a field, not a road you drive on
complicit: involved with others in a wrongdoing
lurid: vivid in color to the point of almost being painful
cruxite dowel: a cylinder that is used on the totem lathe to create totems (also just called cruxite)
maimed: permanently injured
freight: objects transported by a truck
Kernelsprite: a creature that later can give helpful advice in Spurb. From kernel (the core or seed) and sprite (a computer graphic of a character)
prototyped: to make a first model of something
gobbledygook: language that is meaningless (apparently a real word)
tier: a row or level
entity: a thing that has existence
esoteric: only understood by a small number of people
linguistics: study of language
asinine: extremely stupid
unmitigated: absolute
Atheneum: place of learning. List of items that can currently be made from totems in Homestuck
generic: general, common, nonspecific
trajectory: the path of a flying object
perspective: view; vista;
ingest: eat
abstraction: something that exists only as an idea
physical plane: physical universe; everything that can be touched
imminent: about to happen
deter: discourage from doing something
curt: rudely brief
ambiguous: unclear or inexact
snarky: critical or testy
leery: cautious due to justified suspicion
bestially: in an animal-like manner
dabble: to partially dip into
psychoanalysis: a therapy that tries to help mental problems by investigating the conscious and unconscious mind
writhe: continual twisting movements
Tree Modus: first item goes on "root" card at the top of an upside-down V. New objects get added on one side in alphabetical order as "leaves". Rose can then take off the root card, but it causes all the objects to fall out of the sylladex. Later, she learns to take leaves off rather than the root card.
panoramic: view from a height and/or distance
ventured: dared to do something dangerous
inclement: unpleasantly cold and wet
disconcerting: causing one to feel unsettled
I know Homestuck uses a lot of advanced vocabulary, as well as their own made up words, so I devised a list for my own and others' convenience.
© 2012 - 2024 EmeraldEyes14
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sugaryday's avatar
Thank you so much~ I'm still basically a new fan of Homestuck (took me a year to get up to Act 3.. XD), and I have trouble memorising all the vocab. And you forgot dipshit.. (I couldn't find ACT II if you posted any))